Hash Snippets from Jan-Feb 2017
In geographical order – North to South
Bay of Islands
Teazy, Cannabal and Magic Roundabout very busy leading up to NASH Hash. Full line up of BOI hashers running Nash Hash, apart from the above 3, were Screw Loose, Robin Hood, Blackbeard, Braveheart, Cockroach, Em Ander, Tightbolt, Vietnam Vet, TMO, Heavy Metal and Ebeneezer
BOI H3 did 500th run 13th February IN Kerikeri as a postamble to Nash Hash. Tight Bolt was in charge.
The Splash hash in kayaks at Labor weekend 2016 has not been repeated as yet, but may.
JM’s for BOI hash are Heavy Metal and Teazy.
GM is Dotcom. Hash currently has a majority of runner to walkers. A typical run would be 15 runners and 8 walkers over winter. Summer gets up to 30 runners and 20 Walkers
We have been busy with runs including the two sad bastard runs post Xmas and New Year. Recently we have had a return of Dead Hashers (ones we haven’t seen for a while).
Due to the very hot weather most of the run/walks have been under 7km!!
The hash hosted a pre-amble run to Nash Hash 2017. Over 50 participants received a goodie bag, a BBQ meal, some beers and the scenic boat ride. And a boat ride back to the mainland.
Mangawhai Heads
Another good year for the MHHHH now up to run 60. We have had some good turn outs with upwards of 20 on occasion (which is 1% of the whole population).
We celebrated our 10th anniversary on New Years Eve and hosted a Nash Hash pre-lube and with more than 60 attending - that was our biggest run yet. Run included nearly every dam hill in Mangawhai according to some visitors. The very hot day made the finish at a beach very welcome.
Puff’s venerable travelling van recently sadly came to an abrupt end to its travelling life. No plans to replace it. The van that is.
Auckland Hussies
Nothing too much out of the ordinary since the 2000th which was a top weekend. Members doing lots of travelling. This hash very much intertwined with Mangawhai hash.
Lately hash have been doing a bit more of "pub runs" - finding a friendly inn who will do us a good feed and a drink for $20, with beer for fines thrown in. Usually means the p*ss stop gets extended too!
AGM was held in mid November. New committee is GM – Dickorum, Fines – Magpie, Hash Cash – Plunder, Trail Master - Full Cock Up, Brew Master - Indenial & Crude, Keeper of the Book – Sprite, Habadasher - No Entry, Religious Advisor - CrossDresser
Have both a Facebook page and a website. Aucklandhussies.co.nz Always keen for visitors.
Over the Xmas/New Year holidays Auckland Hash had MIXED attendance runs, with blessings from our GM Loose Change. The last MIXED run was the RANGITOTO run. After that, the Auckland lads could return to not having to mind their P,s & Q,s and be able to luxuriate in a male society again. Had several oversea visitors and were expecting a few more in the event of Nash Hash people coming in from overseas.
OBS and REVS hared the annual Sugar Factory combined run on Boxing Day. A very good turnout including a number of visitors treated to an extremely cunning trail. Piss- stop at local RSA. And rousing circle back at the ranch before a very healthy meal of KFC and Pizza.
Runner up in the Boat races, with Revs giving Toyboy a solid lesson in how to drink fast in the semi’s.
North Shore Hussies
Started out the year with our new GM Whorespiss (since November).
Had a fine Christmas run in early December with all attending members bringing a gift for the food bank instead of for each other. This has become an annual thing for the group
Had a birthday bash for Robbie Burns’ 258th birthday with haggis, haggis and more haggis.
St Patrick’s Day run planned for 15 March out of Devonport. It will be a great green run.
Planning an away weekend for late March. The actual date still to be nailed down.
Current GM is Sharkbait. Max the Shitter is grogmaster. Family connections within Auckland hashes with Norwest having Full Quid and Hissyfit, daughters of Auckland GM Loose Change. Full Quid back hashing regularly after completing business degree.
Quiet on the hash front recently - Sharkbait and Max taking time out from hash due to health issues.
Auckland Veterans
The Vets, who run fortnightly on a Monday, have had a small resurgence lately with the return of former Vets Nelly, Rooty and Rawena. Tubba is the current GM.
New GM is 50 Shades of Gay as of 2 weeks ago. The outgoing GM was GeeGee with Revs as her RA.
Current pack size varies from 10 to 25. Bolstered by some North Shore Hussies. The WOEFULL is predominately a running hash, but there are walkers. The hares are pretty good about taking this into account but they will still walk for an hour or more. We try not to run on concrete or asphalt and stick to the trails. It is a general rule of thumb to bring extra socks, shirt, shoes as there are a lot of streams and shoreline. Our typical runs are somewhere between six and ten km, depending on walkers and runners and false trails. A run MUST last an hour or the hare has to go again the following month.
Hosted Nash Hash preamble Woeful pub crawl on Sunday Feb 5th – downtown Auckland. Hares Worm, Birdtable, Mongo. A great day in fine weather round the waterfront with just under 60 participating.
Woeful won boat race at NH, beating Auckland in the final. Team of Worm, Birdtable, Mongo and Masterbaker.
The WOEFULL has recently added a FaceBook page for those that are not FB averse. It is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WOEFULLH3/ and open to the public. Schedules will be posted there. We still try to run on Sunday as close to the full moon as we can.
Mount Maunganui
First Mount run for the New Year was jointly hared by recent arrivals from Wellington Gnash and Mildew and occasional visitors from Wellington Fire and DT. Held at a very scenic spot McLaren Falls. Visitors included RV also from Wellington and a BOI couple.
Chopper married recently. Many of the hash at the wedding.
BlueVain was busy with preambles for Nash Hash. Main organizer of Pirate Run in Russell and on committee of Red Dress Run also in Russell.
Breaking news - Mount’s boat race team for Nash Hash severely weakened due to Crabstick having an accident with his leg. Gnash pulled in as last minute replacement.
Mount, along with Christchurch the biggest hashes at Nash Hash with over 20 attendees.
Hamilton - Mooloo
Pretty quiet of last reports Sir Creamalot, but a steady crew turning up for runs.
Dingo the highest run total in the hash with 1100 plus, followed by Tow Truck and Coq over 1000.
Mooloo looked like having 2 reps at Nash Hash. Sir Creamalot found space in his work calendar And Tow Truck was considering it too !!
Cussie Bro was reelected as GM last July, despite heading off to Europe for 3-4 months with Mrs CB. They returned last November !!
Whakatane – Sun City
Sun City at Te Teko Races late January. What a great day. Sun was shining. Hash was usual disorganised chaos in where to set up camp. Noodles issued instructions via cell phone that were promptly ignored. Guest appearance by Gonz visiting from Rotorua Hash. Les B Bin did best at picking the horses and actually made money. Noodles was runner up....but not sure he made a profit.
On the plus side for Sun City they have now doubled their numbers since last report was done. They artfully accomplished this by stealing two hussies from the Mount. ( ok might be exaggeration to say they doubled their numbers....but 4x boobs counts for something surely)
Whakatane hosted the annual Bays 2016 Xmas run. The Mount, Rotorua, Mooloo and Taupo hashes the other attendees. Venue was Thornton Motor Camp. Great venue. The piss was not cut. Plenty of food left over. We’re all growing into old farts. Going home early!!!
Ducph and Daisy still regular visitors to other hash events. Daisy the 2nd most Sun City runs with “a f..... lot. Noodles leading the way on 1621, approximately. Noodles and Longtime still the main contact point. Noodles the GM, succeeding Lucifer in 2016.
Fireman Jim’s 1000th for Sun City coming up later this year. Big year with his 70th birthday on April 9th. Party at RSA.
Father recently got into serious training for Nash Hash – after having done very little of trails in recent times, he bought himself some solid walking shore for a Shortplanx hared run. Completed the first loop and returned to base, declaring the trail as “shit”.
Bruno still GM. Rotorua don’t have regular AGPU’s with change of committee – the incumbent GM carries on until a coup ousts them. Father is hash bucket. i.e. he brings the piss.
Good numbers. Around 30 for summer runs. Unwritten rule that daylight savings runs are in the bush. One recent run clocked up 13km.
Trails do allow for the “Knitting circle” - a group of slower more mature ladies – but one summer Paradise Valley trail saw them ignore Xerox’s direction and get hopelessly lost. Luckily for them a passing motorist recognized them for what they were – lost hashers - and gave them a lift back to base.
Father reported that a winter run last year showed the way things are going – 12-15 hashers consumed 34 stubbies. But 28 of them were light beers.
Jubes had problems with leg infection over New Year and wound up in hospital. However as expected she was at Nash Hash.
Just had our Annual Cheese Rolling and Trolley Kart Derby and Cabre Tossing and Egg throwing, water filled Gumboot throwing day last weekend... managed and run TOKH3 Wet days either side but cloudy and fine at 19deg for Saturday. Raised over $1200 for Westpac Air Ambulance. All our runs are at least a week's notice on our tokoroa hash House Harriers Facebook page.
Always from a pub, sometimes a PS and always fun! After Daylight saving is over, transfer to a Sunday afternoon at 4pm sometimes without a trail but for a busy ramble! Had our Tree-tree-tree run (#333) and had a pub crawl; and puzzle clues... past our 350th now
Hash actually carried on last winter (normally in recess) albeit as a thirsty walking group with no trail but just a semi planned route managing 55mins most Sunday evenings from 4pm to 5pm and re-hydration and sustenance at the pub during Down-downs - more cultured and formal than normal. Numbers stayed up at about 8 for these Sunday walks.
Energy – New Plymouth
A pretty active few months at Energy Hash, with various run milestones and a number of visitors livening things up a bit. Shagz and Piwi reached their 300th and 200th, and stepped up to the plate in taking on the Beer Challenge and Space Challenge. Not surprising that the beer challenge was enjoyed so much, as a consequence we now have a weekly mystery beer competition! Ginny brought up his 200th Run and had the dubious pleasure of struggling his way through a Fear Factor Taste Test.
Most members of the local hash attended an epic guy fawkes weekend at a fantastic venue called ‘Wilkinson’s Castle’ (Nakis’ one and only Castle). Brilliant mediavel banquet, booze galore and thankfully no injuries despite enormous number of fireworks let off and dodgy safety management. As for visitors, Dame Nellie and Kizzme for decided to spend the summer in the ‘Naki in preference to Sydney.
Epic effort from recent NZGM Teazy who came to run with us after an 11 hour drive. Normally a long enough drive from Opua to New Plymouth... it was made 2 hours longer than normal due to road closures at Mokau after a massive slip.
More recently, Energy Hash has benefited from Bewgal’s new ‘Couch Surfing’ business as various of his young and good looking visitors have turned up on some Monday nights. Aside from all that, Energy hash has been enjoying the summer as much as possible given the crap weather, with a few Themed runs (e.g. Frisbee golf, Halloween run) and other runs at the beach or along the foreshore.
Looking forward – Energy Hash reaches its 1600th run milestone in April. Recent milestone runs celebrated were 300 runs for Shaggie and 200 runs for Piwi, both of whom had accumulated these runs at an almost glacial pace over about 15 years.
Red Riding Hood again part of organizing committee for Nomad 2017. See Facebook page. IF you are not a member of the page, you need to request to be added. Numbers slow at moment but usually pick up after Nash Hash.
Other members of the Committee – Blue Vain (hash mash) and Bin Garden (drinks). Sir Creamalot the hare. Sounds a familiar story/crew for Nomad. Daisy having a rest for 2017. Although some people just can’t help themselves eh!
Pania Plodders - Napier
We've had a very busy Christmas/New Year period with 15 sleepover guests (including 4 from Scotland) and twice as many other visitors - all at Ain't No Saint & Likka's place.
Low Down Wanker's annual river run saw 5 "new boot" backpackers lose their virginity to the hash - 2 of whom are coming back for seconds in a month's time.
Another annual event, the hash men's home brew trail on just before NZ Nash Hash.
Our 1800th run, is due in March, and will coincide with a triple celebration run for Sixty Nine, Likka and Pockets.
From October 2016 – trialling fortnightly Tuesday runs, in addition to Sunday runs.
Hash bolstered by the arrival/return of Metal & Petal, Shunter & Two Jugs, Wring Peace and some newbees.
Palmerston North
The hash quietly plodding along with a mostly walking pack these days of a dozen or more. Long time hasher Wah has returned to Palmy although Horny does not see much of him as he does regular 3 week stints in the far reaches of the world doing weather station training. Dallas is an occasional visitor but usually gets to the main events. Recent new hashers have brought in an international flavor. South Africa and Japan.
Kryptic is GM, with RA - Mellors, Horny - hash trash and Hangman Hash Kash. Slim Pickins is Club Captain of Linton Camp Golf Club where a retired Hangman spends many a day mowing fairways. Urchin, also a keen golfer, reckons Vets golf is very hash like. A recent Vets tourney saw some 80 campervans and house trucks in the parking area.
Sandman and Confucius embarked on a month long cruise through Asia in late 2016.
Dogbiter still GM. Mash AGM’s are held every 50 runs. The hash now in excess of 1400 runs.
Some of the long time Mash hashers are Phantom, Sewerage, Little Flic and Dogshit. Jughead not seen for some time. Apparently he is “currently married”
Tragic news, the Masterton Cossie Club, the drinking hole of choice for the hash on a Friday evening has closed down. Hash now spread around between the Horseshoe and the Services Club. Horseshoe is by the roundabout at north end of town.
Wellington (Mens)
Sproggy had his Stag do late January. Morning of go karts and paintball followed by evening at Wellington city bars. Last scene staggering out of Courtney Place at 1am. Said he felt fine when he woke up at 1pm Sunday. Tied the knot with Louise on Feb 18th
Biggles became the 2nd Wellington hasher to pass the 80 year mark. His first run with WHHH was on run number 3. Heading the NZ Air Force for a few years took its toll on his regular attendance, but he is rumored to be in excess of 1500. His military training taught him to never sign the book.
Hash Brown has taken singing to new heights with his take offs of popular songs. “Ring of Fire” “He ain’t easy” etc. Invested DT and He’ll Keep with a hash haka to head to Nash Hash with. Although - 2 tuneless, uncoordinated white guys with only a bare command of English, and none of Maori ................. Advice - look fierce and shout a lot.
On a recent run from Brookfield Scout Camp (venue for 2 Nash Hashes) the search and rescue (Tripod, Small Thing and Fatboy) had to venture forth to find a lost hasher ABC (A Blind C...). The successful party emerging about 10pm with the circle and cooking on Tammy the barbeque trailer well and truly over. Most of the hash gone home too.
He’ll Keep thoroughly enjoyed his 1st attendance at Nash Hash including most of the preambles on road trip with DT. This enjoyment barely affected by badly spraining hand after Woeful pub crawl, then grazing face late on opening night at NH and losing wallet and sunglasses. Public appeals for wallet to no avail. Wallet found after returning home, hidden in his hoodie!!
Small Thing recently finished 1st in Super Vets (+50) of Tarawera 50km bush race.
Handle and Geestring are sharing a significant birthday celebration on 29th April this year. A secret venue called The Realm.
Capital had a Red Dress run in November, led by Nipple, and gathered supplies for the City Mission. Although not actually collecting money on the streets, one passer by insisted on giving them $20 for looking so stupid.
The hash has now done over 1800 runs with Geestring well out in front with over 1300 runs. Handle past 900 and Corpuscle has brought up 600.
Wellington Ladies
In April the WLH3 oldest hasher, who still regularly turns out to our runs, will turn 80 and so a celebration of some note is being organised – must have a Scottish theme (she turns 80 a day before those Capital youngsters celebrate turning 60!!)
In early January the annual Peka Peka beach run hosted by the family ofIQ20, Jaberwocky, Call Waiting and Unlisted. Unlisted heading off to Hamilton for her 1st year at Waikato Uni.
BS, the chief songster along with Fire, is proof that alcohol does help the imagination. Being a shift worker he is often required to stay sober and his songs suffer accordingly.
Ladies, TTT and Capital the singing hashes of Wellington.
Co GM’s - Cheeky and Sourpuss now on the home straight. AGPU normally April. Could be an all male executive in the year ahead. Rumored to be led by K9, the chair of Geri’s 1000th, Wellington’s Interhash bid, and also a Red Dress run that raised $11k for Christchurch Earthquake appeal.
Sourpuss did his 23rd Tauranga half Ironman in January and Taupo half Ironman in March (1st in age group). Not bad for a 70 year old. And Hey Babe completed a 62km Endurance bush race in February. Just a “tiddler” he reckoned.
Missing this year the annual Gatecrasher Naturist Club run – probably due to his NZ and Aussi Nash Hash commitments.
Geris Xmas run up to its usually high standard. The walk starting at Trax with a fun drinks and games stop in GT’s hidden garden on the Terrace. Turns out hashers DO lose the ability to hoolahoop as they get older. Then PS2 at Bubbles work garage. Finished with dinner, drinks and the annual “boot” awards at the Grand on Courtney Place. Finally taxis home.
Rumor has it that the 1700th run, doubling as the AGPU, will be held at the venue of Run No 1 – the Bellvue Hotel. Dinki, Chips and DT all on that original run.
Treetop still doing a sterling job as Hash On-Sec emailer. Thirsty Thursday Taniwha
T3H3 was formed on the 26th May 2016 by Recycled Virgin, Pannikin Cider, Nokia, Corpus- L and Handle who decided that heading out for a run on a Thursday, as well as having drinks was a good idea. Other regulars ABC, BS, Azmud, DT, Fire, Mop with odd appearances from High Heels, Gaytee and JWax.
Recently celebrated 33 rd run with 4 noisy Yank visitors from Okinawa Japan, including their GM, who had his own patch. TTT H3 have a facebook page and welcome visitors to Wellington. 7pm runs. Lion Brown drinkers.
AGPU for NZ’s newest hash set for May. Hasherdabery being planned. Newbie Jason, now Tanifire, the first naming for the hash. Jason’s one hash tee-shirt has now been added to with donations at Ladies hash.
Wellington Leo Lunar Full Moon
Members are mostly Capital and Ladies hashers. Resurrected in 2014 when the lost book was found at IQ20’s place where it had lain quietly and soberly for 8 or more years.
The hash runs on whatever night or afternoon (if it is a weekend) is the full moon. If it is a regular hash night, then Leo Lunar runs with that hash. Recycled Virgin, Chips and Handle very active in this hash.
The November earthquake in Wellington was blamed on the Super Moon that month.
Wendy and Toyboy running their Motor Camp in the township of Takaka. Host the occasional Nelson run. And have regular visits from Boulder Holder. Also King Knot Rob at Xmas. Overseas hashers leading up to Nash Hash.
Toyboy one of the organizers in Bay of Islands for Fat Katz.
Hash recently enjoyed a full moon hash hosted by Hornie and Masterbaker at the Nelson Harness racing on the 14th January. No one won any great amounts but a hot fun day had by all. A great turn out of hashers.
Mimi hosting 9 Hardie hashers from the UK as they all head north on a road trip to Nash Hash. Teddy Bear, Phlonker and Mimi acting as tour guides. Teddy Bear not allowed out of South Island though.
Mimi is the new 2017-18 NZGM. Flying start. Already attended Aussi Nash Hash and sent out a newsletter on both NZ and Oz Nash Hashes.
Christchurch Hash runs was very thin for numbers over Nash Hash with 23 of the hash venturing north on various road and other trips. More numbers than any other NZ hash group.
Over the NH period those left behind had combined runs with Garden - A Sunday run 5th Feb and a Tuesday run (GC’s night) on the 14th.
Recent “Back to the Hills” run from Sumner’s Evans Pass no less, hared by Dingaling and STD tested out the hash, especially the walking wounded RLD, Toylit and Sticky.
A number of visitors passing through recently - Humper and Looselips, Pippi Longcockings, Rob and Abby – now Moist Crack.
Christchurch (and GC ) confirmed as hosting Nash Hash 2019 at Winter Camp 2016 venue Hanmer Springs Forest Camp. Christchurch getting a rest from hosting Winter Camp this year.
Garden city
March “Overnighter”, Sat 18-Sun 19 March. This will be at WAINUI Camp, the location of Winter Camp, but a tent/caravan overnight stay.
Dagy’s recent “39 years of hashing” run also doubled as wedding anniversary for him and Fingers. Guests included a bunch of Hardie UK hashers led by tour guides Mimi and Sir Teddy Bear. Typical hash fuck ups on trail with lost hashers ignoring hare Dagy’s advice. Lively circle led by SSS Fingers Klingon and the Hardie GM.
Recently elected committee late 2016- JMs - Triple S & Fingers, RA – Firkin, On Sec & Haberdasher – Dogs, Dray – Klingon, Hair Razor - Vaseline Elly, Fines Masters - Klingon & Flapper
We are now running twice monthly on the 1st and 3rd Sundays 5pm. This seems to suit more people. Turnouts are from 12 to 18 with 17 showing up for our Xmas function. Our runs are all BYO and Pot luck. The Pot Luck works very well and we will be able to claim the position of NZs most culinary Hash. It keeps the work load down for the Hare as well.
Runs which most of us walk (Except Taste Like Shit who likes to run to Hash to get some excersize) are about 60 minutes and now contain a compulsory beer stop.
A recent run no 1278, was a bare foot run due to it having been raining constantly for two days. It had 3 beer stops, was almost flat and covered about 120m.
We are planning some sort of invite run this year. The Yanks are keen on a red dress run which is fine cause then it can be a pub crawl so keep your calendars free
Southern Flyers – Invercargill
‘Southern Flyers H3’ continues to run from the Northern Tavern, corner of St Andrew and Sydney Streets, Invercargill at 6pm every Monday, except public holidays.
All Southern Flyers have come through the festive season unscathed and we have recommenced our weekly Monday night runs/walks. Still getting 12 -15 each week
Being at the south of NZ, enjoy the company of guest runners if hashers find themselves in our "neck of the woods".