
NZ Hash House Harriers


Our goal

To record and capture the NZ HHH club level scene as it is currently, as well as all the things you might be interesting in knowing if you were a visitor to that club, including:

  • What night (or day) the club runs and what time

  • How it operates, so you come prepared

  • What their communications system is, including the contacts - so you can find out about a particular run.

  • What the special runs are

  • Club traditions – and other stuff that make up a club.

Many thanks to

Bay of Islands   -   Magic Roundabout/Teazmaid
Whangarei    -   Boobies  Prickhairyarse Hard Drive
Mangawhai   -   Sharkey
Auckland   -   Gawd knowes, Diorear, Demon, Captain
Veterans -  Joe 90
Norwest    -   Hard to Port, Crossdresser
North Shore Hussies   -   Whorepiss, Revs, 10 Speed
Auckland Hussies   -   Plunder
Woeful    -   The Worm, 50 Shades of Gay, Birdtable
Mooloo    -   Toetruck, Tittranic
Mount Maunganui    -   Macwatt, Humpy, Copteaser
Sun City    -   Noodles, Fireman Jim
Rotorua   -   Xerox, Father, Shortplanx
Tokoroa    -   Musthashless
Energy   -   Wantie  Ten,
Pania    -   Juggler, Likka
Taupo – Red Riding Hood
Palmerston North    -   Tuneful, Sandman
Masterton   -   Dogshit
Wellington   -   Sproggy, Tripod
Wellington Ladies   -   Chips, 1Pint, IQ20
Geri's   -   Treetop. 
Capital   -   RV
Thirsty Thursday – Recycled Virgin, Handle
SAM   -   Quadro, Treetop
Bikers    -   Dinki
Nelson    -   Poopa, Mimi, Teddybare
Christchurch   -   RLD, Dingaling
Garden City    -   Dagy, SSS, Klingon
Dunedin   -   Sirloin,

Otetopi - Muff Diver
Southern Flyers   -   Brewer


New Zealand has a position called the NZ Grand Master/Mistress, which is a 2 year term from one Nash Hash to the next. There is a special meeting on the Sunday morning of Nash Hash where interested parties meet to farewell the outgoing and elect the incoming NZGM. The NZGM’s duties include travelling throughout NZ visiting clubs and generally promoting hashing in NZ.   Newsletters to clubs are also part of the duties. Before each Nash Hash, clubs are invited to contribute $150 per club towards the NZGM travel expenses. A breakdown of recent NZGM expenses from the NZGM funds is summarised below.

The current NZGM appointed at Nash Hash 2025 is Gatecrasher from Wellington.

Immediate past NZGM Birdtable’s reports through 2021 to 2023 follow here

Birdtable’s Reports (all on one page HERE)

Link to Birdtable #6 (April 2023) the final countdown
Birdtable Report # 5 (January 2023) Open PDF #5 HERE

Birdtable Report # 4 (March 2022): Open Pdf #4 HERE
Birdtable Report # 3 (Oct 21 https://mailchi.mp/258e835d323f/nzgm-h3-newsletter-4847397 

Birdtable Report #2 (July 21): Open Pdf #2 HERE
Birdtable Report #1 (Mar 21): Open Pdf #1 HERE

Past and Present NZGM's

Paid up clubs 2023-25 Bay of Islands, Auckland, North Shore Hussies, NorWest, Woefull, Mt Maunganui, Mooloo, Sun City, Rotorua, Energy, Pania Plodders, Levin, Port Nicolson Geriatrix, TTT (Wellington) Nelson, Nelson Full Moon, Takaka, Christchurch, Garden City, Dunedin, Otepoti. [TBC: Also Wellington Ladies and Wellington (Mens) who are to pay $150 each, direct to DT, for his ongoing $34/month NZHHH website fees]

Paid up Clubs 2021-2023 - Mount H3, Mooloo, Dunedin, Takaka, Norwest, Christchurch, Garden City, Energy, Bay of Islands, Nelson, North Shore Hussies, Woefull, Auckland, Rotorua, Sun City, Nelson Full Moon, Pania Plodders, Port Nicolson Geri's, Surfin H3. Also Wellington Ladies and Wellington (Mens) who paid $150 each, direct to DT, for his ongoing $28/month NZHHH website fees.

Paid up Clubs 2021 - 2023 Energy H3 Norwest H3 North Shore Hussies H3 Takaka H3 Christchurch H3 Rotorua H3 Mooloo H3 Garden City H3 Sun City H3 Bay of Islands H3 Mount Manganui H3 Nelson H3 Dunedin H3 Woefull H3 Pania Plodders H3 Tokoroa H3 Nelson Full Moon H3

For those wondering what happens to your club fee of $150 here is a summary of the last 4 financial reports. It looks like 20 clubs paid the NZGM fee in 2013, 16 clubs paid in 2015, 12 in 2017 and 15 in 2019.

Below is a summary of the financial reports presented by the relevant NZGM’s at the Sunday NZGM meeting at Nash Hash.

Bird-Table 2021-2023. Over her tenure from Feb 2021 to April 2023, a total of 21 clubs paid $3225. Bird-Table’s expenses came to $5,707.61 which was made up of flights ($2615.60), ubers/parking/ferries/hire car/fuel ($1855.88), accommodation ($762.44), NZHHH website hosting ($300) and other ($173.69). Bird-Table visited 38 different clubs (several more than once) from the Bay of Islands to Invercargill. She also attended a number of combined Hash weekends such as NOMAD, Blackball, Winter Camp and Nash Hash. Plus (under her own finances), she attended Interhash in Goa 2022. A number of new clubs were formed during her term, including Matarangi, Otepoti and Beavertown.

Shunter Report - expenditure $4,271 - listed below Mount Maunganui Green dress run $100.00 59ers club $50.00 Winter Camp. $386.00 Nomad $80.00 Nomad $100.00 Raglan $130.00 Wgtn hash week $330.00 Mooloo AGPU $221.00 Nelson 15ooth & 25yrs $300.00 Tokoroa 500th $250.00 Combined Bays Xmas run nil Rotorua $225.00 Akl trip $460.00 Winter Camp. $140.00 Whangarei 2000th $200.00 Not the Taupo run
Ob's wake $150.00 Takaka, Nelson, Dunedin, invercargill $340.00 First Light H3 $225.00 Wgtn 2000th $250.00 Bay of Islands $260.00 Energy H3 t prelube to Nash hash $100.00


In 2017-2019 Mimi did not present a report but it was available on request and is listed down the bottom as it was difficult to summarise.

Teazmaid 2015-17 13 clubs paid $ ??. Teazmaid’s travelling expenses $2,569. Closing balance $3986. Breakdown of Teazmaid travelling expenses Christchurch 2000th $498, Winter Camp 2016 $398, 2 Nomads (incl Sun City) $400, Road trip – Energy, Geris, Nelson, Takaka, Pania, Mooloo $616 (incl $366 interislander), Tokoroa 300th $235, Nash Hash preambles $185, 2 North Shore Huss weekends $150, Auckland visit $75

Metal Mickey 2013-15 15 clubs paid $ ??. Metal’s travelling expenses $2,981. Breakdown of Metal travelling expenses Final Rail Ramble $500, After 5 funeral (airfare, car motel) $655, 2 Nomads $248, 2 Winter Camps $530, Nelson weekend $406, Wellington 2000th $130, Geri’s $162, Mount (2), BOI, Mangawhai, BOI, Mooloo, Pania all at $50 each for fuel.

Toyboy 2011-13 22 clubs paid $2,915. Toyboy’s travelling expenses $2915.24. Breakdown of TB travelling expenses 2 Nomads $296, 2 Winter Camps $529, 2 Taupo weekends $203, 2 Nelson weekends $159, North Shore wkend $370, Christchurch 1800th $241, Mount 1222 $281, Auckland trip $317, Marlborough 1008th $100. BOI, Energiser, Rend Ohakea a total of $419.

MIMI 2017-19 24th May 2017 - $362.00 Air Travel to Rotorua staying in Taupo, Trip for the following: Run with Tokoroa hash on 28th May - Travel by car, own funding, Run with Rotorua hash on 29th May - Travel by car, own funding, Nomads 2nd to 5th June 2017 - Travel by car, got a ride to and from 5th August 2017 - $578 Air Travel to Christchurch/Dunedin/Nelson, Trip for the following: Fly to Dunedin Via Christchurch on the 5th August - Run with Dunedin Sunday 6th Aug, Rental car, (own funding) drive to Invercargill - Run with Southern Flyers Monday 7th Aug, Fly from Dunedin to Christchurch - Run with Garden City Tuesday 8th Aug, Friday 11th - Sunday 13th Christchurch Mid Winter Camp Wainui (Own funding getting to an from), Monday 14th August run with Christchurch hash, Tuesday 15th Fly back to Nelson 17-19th November 2017 - $120.84 Fuel - Dunedin 1313 run Waimate: Drove to Waimate from Nelson return - (total fuel cost $354) 27th November 2017 - Combined bays - Hosted by Rotorua No cost funded this myself 23rd February 2018 - $114.51 - Blackball weekend Drove to Blackball for WeeKnackers run - Petrol $114.51 Return trip Freeparking NZHHH Website Hosting Fees Paid $437 10th April 2018 - $132 Air Travel one way to Wellington Travel to Wellington - Ran with Geris on Tuesday night & Ladies on Wednesday night - (Total Air travel Cost $298) 27th - 29th April - GH3 Weekend Okains Bay - $181.50 Air Travel Fly to Christchurch for Garden City Weekend run at Okains Bay - (Total Travel Cost $363) 17th - 19th May 2018 Mooloo Raglan Run - $330 Air Travel One way $398 own funding air travel home 1st - 4th June 2018 Nomads - $393
Went to Fiji Interhash, came back to Taupo and did Nomads weekend - Queens Birthday - Own Funding 22nd – 24th June Energiser Weekend run - $340.50 Air travel $340.50 own funding 2nd – 6th August – Fat Katz recy to Waiau & Christchurch Winter Camp – Via car Travel via car from Nelson to Waiau/Waipara return. Petrol $248 Own funding 24th – 26th August – Nelson Mid winter camp Red Deer Lodge No Charge 31st – 4th September – North Shore Hussies 2000th/Auck Mens/Norwest –$158 Air Travel One Way $158 From NZGM account / $158 Own funding 19th – 21st October – Christchurch GCH3 Dagy’s 1500th run – Air Travel $401 Own funding 26th – 28th October – Napier Pania Plodders 1900th run & Palmerston North H3 – Travel Interislander $465 Own funding – Interislander $$220 Petrol own funding 14th – 16th January 2019 – Bay of Islands & Whangarei Hash - $220 Air Travel One Way $220 -Air fare to the BOI NZGM account / $259 Own funding NZGM Account: $2537.35 MiMi Account: $3670.00

Mimi's Reports:

#10 2019 January

#9 2018 December

#8 2018 October

#7 2018 July

#6 2018 May

#5 2018 January

#4 2017 December

#3 2017 September

#2 2017 May

#1 2017 March

Hello, World!