Tokoroa Treefella 500th Weekend Nov 30th Dec 1s

A good crowd of Tokoroa Hash and visitors celebrated Tokoroa Hash’s 500th at the Bull Pen camp, just out of Tokoroa.   GM Musthashless was ably assisted by hare Sir Dunalot and others in the hash.  Locals included Lone Ranger, Sticky Fingers, Bell end, Short and Sweat, Miss Congeniality, Eggspurt and Queen of Shallots family – Skiddy, Sweet Onions and Smelly Fingers.  Visitors were headed by NZGM Shunter and 2jugs, with a good contingent from Wellington -  DT, Handle, Geestring and Pannicking.  Duph and Bluevain also there. 

The 500th run on Saturday was a 4km trek up a logging track to the summit of the mountain.  Sir Dunalot kindly drove the injured to the PS at the summit, so they could complete the home leg DOWN the track.  The pack was encountered on the way down at the 2nd drinks stop. 

Back at the Bull Pen the celebration circle was kicked off by Musthashless then MC’d by NZGM Shunter.  Tokoroa HHH doesn’t normally have a circle so the charges and songs were a new form of entertainment for all.   Circle led onto dinner and drinks into the evening. 

Sunday was the recovery run/walk which started with a 5 minute drive to a lake and river trails, where the trail had the pack heading along the river to a dam and then round the old village.  Very scenic and historical.  Snacks and a chat and buggaroffski.  

DT Deepthroat