Nash Hash 2019, Hanmer Springs, 1-3rd Feb 2019
A brief recap of Nash Hash 2019.
Hanmer Springs Forest Camp, Hanmer Springs 7334. View their web site at
Over 300 registrations. Half from NZ. Then just over 100 from Australia, with 20-30 from both UK and USA. A handful from Brunei and Cyprus. Higgins from Brussels.
- Thursday 31 January 12.45pm: “The Weka Run” (Train Ride, Booze, Goodie Bag and Winery) About 90 on this enjoyable afternoon train ride and vineyard visit.
- Thursday 31 January 6pm : “Fat Catz Run” - Over 100 based at the Waiau Pub. Short walk across the road to a park for the “run”. Circle up at historical stocks. Father put in stocks for starting the whole event. Final walk back across the road to the pub.
- Friday 1 February 1pm: “The Red Dress” - 120 hashers raised $4500 for NZ Lung Cancer foundation and in particular a local mother of 2 teenagers – Kate Hodge. 5 Stags pub the starting venue. 6km run and 3km walk. Circle at park near the pub. RA’s Hound, Dagy, Ra, Higgins, Recycled Virgin. Egg throwing and weetbix eating competitions. Finally drinking sponsored keg back at 5 Stags.
There were 3 choices of runs - Long, Medium and Short.
The runners were treated to some very challenging terrain. Up a steep hill with the downside needing ropes to help the descents. This followed by another frigging big hill, with the descents needing pine trees for support.
Post Run
Games were the order of the day after runs and lunch. An enclosed soccer game had the crowd enthralled for some time. Finally on to downdowns with DT and MiniHaha prevailing in Mens and Womens. Then the boatraces with some pretty dodgy judging. Dunedin the winners.
Circle led by Canterbury RA’s 007, Klingon and Feefiefofum. Guest spot to Mimi.
The theme for Saturday night was “Leather and Lace”. Very good band playing.
NZGM’s meeting saw Pania confirmed as next NH venue and Shunter as incoming NZGM.
Recovery run and Circle.
Great work by the NH committee of SSS, Ding a Ling, 007, Flapper, STD, Dogs and Klingon