Bay of Island AGPU - 24th July 2021

AGPU 14                                                                                                                  24 July 2021

Held at St James Church  Hall, Kerikeri at 1850 hours.

Present:  Black Beard, Magic Roundabout, Srew Loose, Robin Hood, Tight Bolt, Duncan, TMO, Teazemaid, Cannibal, Cockroach, Ebeneezer, One Behind, Two in Front, Knose, Stroker, Cuntry Member.

Plus Visitors Lesley and Tracey.    

Apologies: Red Baron, Snoopy, Brave Heart, Shuttle, Vietnam Vet.

The Run 

No sooner had we all found parking at Blackbeard's abode on Monday and word was out that the run was on. Down to the waterfront for the runners and up the driveway for the walkers. Quite a few minutes later, Cockroach caught up, she'd missed the announcement. On on up Landing Road past the roundabout to the corner of Mission Road for our first check.

After several runs set by Blackbeard over the years and many of us getting lost, or running out of, or beyond trail; Tight Bolt decided to back check from the check and so it was, ON ON down Edkins Road. Some didn't trust the back check and made their way to the Stone Store basin, more directly. Another check on Edkins Road had us re running a check and eventually on on down the Falls track to the stone store basin and the PS. The trail home past the Pa, was mostly ignored!


We made ourselves comfortable around the table and were upstanding for the circle. Most fines were for BB and his trail which was rated 9

A BIG  THANK  YOU  to Adrian whose cooking and baking certainly was a "good feed".


Annual Report: From our GM. He thanked those who did most of the work behind the scene, mainly Magic Roundabout. Also remarked this year was different as it was the first time a Hash Run was abandoned because of the wet weather and then its re-run a few weeks later was postponed until Wednesday because of the wet weather forcasted. Asked are we getting soft?  He considered us a truly magnificent Run, Walk, Eat and Drink Club.


Election of Officers for the next year.  Black Beard nominated Robin Hood for GM. Knose nominated Tight Bolt as she was the longest standing member who had never held the post. Much discussion was held and it was decided they should be GM/ RA over the next two years and to share the jobs between themselves. Magic Roundabout had done such a good job as the Hash Cash she should continue to hold that post. Beer Master position to be held by Black Beard.

So the new committee is Robin Hood and Tight Bolt, (GM and RA),  Magic Roundabout (Hash Cash) and Black Beard (Beer Master) It was decided that Haberdashery position was not needed.

Financial Report:  $1266 in the bank, however the expenses for AGPU will lower that amount by several hundred dollars. A final total will be announced once all payments have been made.

General Business: The new committee is to discuss the form and arrangements of rewards for significant number of runs by individuals. This meeting to be held soon as some members are approaching 500 runs.

Meeting closed  at 1920 hours.


After Note: Knose was awarded a down down for his Tropical Dress (Rarotongan Grass skirt and bra) and TMO was awarded for being dressed the most different from his normal Monday night attire.

The upcoming Monday Run is to be arranged by the new GM’s.

The evening was a great success and enjoyed by all those present and a BIG thank you to Magic Roundabout and Cannibal for doing most of the work organising plus thanks to Duncan for cooking the fabulous ham. The Monday Run is to be arranged by the new GM’s.


DT Deepthroat