NZ Nash Hash 7-9th Februay. Hosted by Auckland Hashes. Hunua Ranges. YMCA Camp
A few of us took the option to drive up Friday and focus on Nash Hash only. The drive up
was uneventful and we arrived on site around 4:30pm. We got squared away and then
began the important hash activities of drinking and socializing. It’s always great to catch up
with other kiwi hashers and those from overseas. We were well watered and fed on night
Saturday, this the big one. The runs, walks, the boat races and down-down comps. Ball
Breakers (16km) headed off just after 9:00am. I was on the ‘long run’ which departed around
9:30am (others followed after that). The 11km run started just a short bus ride down the
road, all under a tree canopy. This was useful as it was already very warm. Lots of
undulation, exposed roots ready to twist an ankle etc.
Al the trials combined at around the 7km for the longer runners who joined hasher doing the
shorter options. This is where it got really busy, there were some stairs that caused a huge
logjam. Us hashers from Wellington are used to stairs, others not so much. Arriving at the
first piss stop required one final climb, to a blow-up bar with tonnes of cold drinks.
From there is a was short walk down to the second piss stop and water slide, it looked like
fun, but I’m sure users would be sporting a few bumps and bruises the next day. Oh yeah,
the landing pool was extremely muddy and smelt funny!
Lunch around 2pm, just simple hotdogs and buns. Perfect really, I think most hashers took
the opportunity to freshen up for the afternoon activities, fine session. Followed by boat
races and then for the hashers that haven’t had enough the down-down comp. It’s fair to say,
some more than others take the boast races seriously. And nothing says serious than
Toyboy, Wendy & Xerox forcing themselves to vomit up large quantities of beer to be empty
for the next round (stay classy).
DT showed that no matter his advancing years, he still had what it takes to win the men’s
down-down comp. After this it all becomes a bit of a muddle. There was a nice Butter
Chicken for dinner and lots, and I mean lots of drinking. Heaps more socializing and
drinking. Who’d have thought the aprons would become a fashion statement over the course
of the evening. The few that wore them back to front (thanks very much!) For me things
wrapped up at around 2:00am after dancing like an idiot for a couple of hours.
Sunday ‘get’ up time arrived not much after and then got everything packed up. Had
breakfast (Scrambled eggs, sausages, toast and cereals) both mornings. The recovery run
and then committee meeting. Public announcements followed. Gate Crasher, the new
NZGM. Wellington is hosting the next Nash Hash and various other announcements. In the
car by 10:30am with DT, CorpusL and SOS for the long drive back to Wellington.
High Heels.