Recent Happenings at NZ Clubs


  • Noodles of Sun City Hash became the latest 2000 run at one club Kiwi Hasher.

  • Whangerei Hash AGPU - new GM is Fizz Bitch. Glamping weekend coming up 28-30 March.

  • Wellington Hash, headed by Sproggy, to organise next Nash Hash in 2027. Details out later this year.

  • Very enjoyable NZ Nash Hash at YMCA camp in Hunua ranges. Challenging trails. Brilliant weather. Great work by the Auckland committee. Very good pre-lubes Red Dress run, Fat Katz and post lube Rangitoto run.

  • Pre-lubes to NZ Nash Hash kicked off with Waiheke weekend.

  • Runs of honor updated for late 2024 run numbers, both clubs and the highest individuals.

  • Southern Flyers Invercagill - 2000th run Saturday 7th December. Low key event. Walk followed by drinks at Northern Tavern.

  • Nelson crate day a big success - a few visitors flying in.

  • Maturangi Hash thriving. Regular packs of over 30

  • Mooloo Hash now running fortnightly or on request

  • Norwest down to 4 regulars. Not so many runs now.

  • Nelson 40 Year weekend writeup now on Recent events

  • Auckland HHH now has a defibrilator. Bequeathed from Goldfinger. Arkles to bring to runs.

  • Lunaticks H3 launched on 20 February, 2023 with the first run being 8th March 2023. Contact Ding-a-ling ( or on facebook (search for Christchurch Lunaticks)

  • Another RIP - Headjob from Mooloo

  • Sad news RIP MeJane - wife of Hound, Powerarse - wife of Hardon , and Jean, - wife of Bin Garden - both Mount Hash

  • Mount Hash AGM - Saturday 31st August - Olympics theme. Fantastic costumes. No change to committee apart from Suk Inn deputy GM. Smegma still GM.

  • Corpuscle 1000th run Capital - Saturday 31st from Seatoun RSA. 33 hashers.

  • Auckland AGM Monday 26th August - new GM Hard to Port, replacing Dio

  • CAT run Auckland - around 20 hashers visited up to 8 bars. Replaced RAT run.

  • Nelson winter camp ( St Armand ? ) July

  • Tithairyarse chalked up her 900th at Whangarei Hash July

  • Pania AGM July - new GM Juggler

  • Southern Flyers had Winter Walkabout July

  • Canterbury hasher Bolyx celebrated milestone birthday in Christchurch early July.

  • Bay of Islands AGPU - incoming GM Ebeneezer and new RA Heavy Metal

  • Thirsty Thursday (Wellington) celebrated Matariki weekend in Levin and Wairarapa

  • Geri’s (Wellington) AGM - new co GM’s sisters Dayglo and Dolly, replacing outgoing GM Smash

  • 60th Birthday for Masterbaker in Nelson Kings Birthday weekend.

  • Wellington HHH AGM New Ayotollah Crazy Horse. RA’s Penguin and Tripod

  • Anzac weekend at Takaha 27 April

  • Wellington Ladies AGM 1st May - New GM IQ 20. RA Cisko Kid.

  • RIP Rotorua Hasher Kojak. Wellington Ladies Fencejumper

  • Capital 2222 May 18-19 Wairarapa - 22 attendees

  • RIP Flipper - Auckland Hasher. Brother of Osccar.

  • Likka from Pania Hash in mid March was scheduled to become the 4th NZ hasher to complete 2000 runs with one club. Covid delayed this however to ANZAC day. He follows General and Father from Rotorua, and then Demon from Auckland

  • Former Wellington, and now Levin, hashers Handle and LGFM married on weekend 17-18 Feb in Levin. Guests included from Wellington and Auckland.

  • Sad news RIP long time and popular kiwi hasher Puff.

  • Great turnout for Bay of Islands Hash annual Burns night. Blackbeard on the bagpipes.

  • Around 35 hashers at Wellington HHH annual memorial run from Whenu Tapu cemetery to Porkbox’s place Pukerua Bay - visitor Poopa from Nelson

  • 1000th run for Jaberwocky at annual Wellington Ladies Peka Peka run 3rd January. Over 40 hashers there.

  • 50th birthday of well known kiwi hasher Xerox celebrated on New Years eve at Waiotapu Camp.

  • Popular Hasher Madd-on-er passed away after short illness. Memorial service 4th Dec

  • Another successful Combined Bays Xmas run Monday 28th November, hosted by Rotorua Hash. Over 70 hashers taking part.

  • Christchurch Hash recent milestones - GM Workashika married Brian in Hawaii July. STD the 3rd in Hash to reach 1000 runs Oct. EMDEF and Ding a ling both 700ths, Navigator 300, Lone Ranger 200

  • Garden City AGPU October - JM’s - Klingon, Bolyx, RA - Small Black, Fines - Navigator, H&S - Mole, Drays - Nazal Kum, Garbage - Lone Ranger, H Kash - SSS, HDab- Lip Splitter

  • RIP’s - ex Auckland Hasher Gold Finger, Rotorua Hasher Mother Superior and ex Southern Flyers hasher Mr Asia

  • Gisborne Light weekend cancelled due to lack of numbers registering

  • Mount AGM on Saturday 16th September. New GM is Smegma, replacing Gnash. Most other positions remain as is

  • Around 15 Hashers enjoyed a weekend at Beavertown. 1-3 Sept

  • Auckland HHH AGM Monday 28th August. Dio the new GM taking over from Demon

  • Hard Drive chalked up his 1500th run with Whangarei Hash on the 8th Aug

  • 8 Hounds from Hibiscus coast H3 went to Vanautu to visit Lost who's currently on a 2 year contract.A run was set along Barrier beach Santo Island. Kava downs downs were had & one Job was christened with his new hash name. Ringo & Chariot also rocked up to port Vila HHH with 42 on the run & at least 15 of them looking forward to Interhash.

  • Auckland HHH RAT run Saturday 29th July - see recent events

  • Winter walkabout at Southern Flyers Monday 3rd July

  • Geri’s Wellington AGM Tuesday 4th July - Smash reappointed as GM. Also Knockers and Spiderman as RA’s

  • Apologies - accidentally deleted all 2023 recent happenings - looking to restore information

  • Auckland HHH and Hibiscus HHH had combined run Monday 28th November at Kell Park Albany

  • Bays Combined Xmas run was Monday 28th November. Hosted by Sun City on same farm as 3 years ago. 60-70 hashers from Sun City, Mount and Rotorua.

  • Geri’s Wellington 2000th run weekend Dec 2nd 3rd - 62 Wellington and ex Wellington hashers enjoyed a beautiful Wellington day.

  • Auckland Combined Xmas party - Saturday 10th Decemeber - lots of familiar faces

  • Garden City Xmas party - Saturday 26th November Protocol Bar 6.30pm.

  • Kiwi’s attending GOA Interhash (Nov 11-13) include a group of Birdtable, Worm, Feefifofum and Xerox. Bluevain also flying in to make presentation on Queenstown 2024

  • Auckland Hash hosted a Reunion night on Thursday 10th November.

  • Red Riding Hood hosted a dozen or so Hashers at the annual Taupo HHH Labor weekend event. Featured a fishing cruise. Birdtable and assistant in attendance

  • Daisy back from Rarotonga until late November.

  • A dozen hashers attended Blenheim inaugural run on Saturday October 8th

  • Auckland HHH AGM - Incoming GM is Demon. JM’s Dio and Butcher.

  • Mount Hash AGPU on Saturday 3rd September - Incoming GM is Gnash, with his old WHHH mate Sourpuss controlling the finances. Fines - Moogabee and All Black Nipples

  • Double (delayed) birthday celebrations in Auckland on Saturday 3rd September - Revs 40th and Birdtable 50th

  • AGPU for Woeful Hash on Sunday 4th September

  • RIP Listerean - recent past GM of Auckland HHH

  • RIP Cuntrymember from Bay of Islands Hash. His sons have donated his brass boat horn for use on Hash runs.

  • Nelson Hash had a wet but enjoyable annual winter camp weekend at St Arnaud. July 29-31

  • New GM at Pania Hash is Flight Risk who takes over from Steptoe. She is now the 2nd young (20’s) female GM in NZ, along with LMB (Miss Bumps) at Wellington Ladies.

  • Check out the new Hash up in the Coromandel - Maturangi. They run monthly on the last Saturday

  • Wellington Hash celebrated Sproggy’s 1000th on 18th July with a pack of over 30 Hashers following trail set by Sproggy and No Offers. 2 Piss-stops of port and beer then back to Lyall Bay Bowling Club.

  • Capital (Wellington) had their AGM at RV’s house Monday 18th July. Incoming Joint Mistress and Master are RV and Gaytee.

  • The Hussies had a great weekend away at Opal Springs. Dingo, Grounded and Ice Pick came up from Tauranga, Wontit and Rigor from Katikati, 7 Up and OFG came down from Kaukaupakaupa. It was a good weekend with more cycling than running and a terrific tramp up Wairere Falls. Thanks Plunder for organizing the event

  • Runs of honor 2022 up on website. Notables include the three 2000plus Hashers General and Father (Rotorua) and Demon Auckland. Others include Little Flic of Masterton and Noodles of Sun City who have done nearly all the clubs runs.

  • Geri’s AGM 28th June. New GM Smash, Walkers RA’s Spiderman and Knockers.

  • BOI AGM -was Saturday 18th June. Orongo Holiday Park Russell. Rags to Riches theme for weekend.

  • Perky had her 70th birthday at Nomad on the Saturday.

  • Masterton Hash AGM 16TH May. New GM is Yodel, a hasher returned. Little Flic missed ANOTHER run in the last 12 months!!. He has now missed 19 runs over the 1750 of Mash Hash.

  • Nelson AGM - New GM Teddy Bare. Replacing Fluff

  • Geri’s hasher Gatecrasher (Gatie) celebrated his 60th birthday early May

  • Mount Hash - Mr Magoo’s life changing fishing competition at Murphy’s Camping ground. Matata

  • Christchurch AGM April - Workashirka remains GM for another year

  • Okains Bay weekend enjoyed by Chch and Garden City hashes 6-8th May

  • Mount 1777 run Monday 9th May - dinner and run at local RSA

  • Christchurch AGM was in April with a "Royalty" theme. Workashirka is Grand Mattress for another year.

  • Wellington Hash had AGM Monday 11th April. Outgoing Ayotollah He’ll Keep handed over the reins to Possum. And outgoing RA’s Captain Cook and Sproggy handed over to Penguin and TC. 30 hardy hashers enjoyed a very boozy night - venue Shandon Golf Club

  • NZGM Birdtable latest newsletter NZGM H3 Update #4 - Interhash news (

  • NZ will host the 2024 Interhash at Queenstown. And for 2022, with the cancellation of Interhash in Tobago, Goa has stepped in to host Interhash 22 in November.

  • Auckland Hussies AGM with new GM Snatch replacing Plunder. See recent events

  • Iconic Hasher Hacker had his farewell run with Auckland HHH at end of February before moving up North to lower the standard of the BOI Hash.

  • Gisborne First Light Hash hosted a fine Waitangi weekend event at Anarua Bay, just north of Gisborne. Around 30 hashers enjoyed the brilliant venue on the beach.

  • Wellington Hash had around 40 blokes and a woman turn up for the annual Memorial run from Whenu Tapu cemetery. Whiskeys and port round General Teeths grave with list of the departed then run to Porkbox’s place at Pukerua Bay Beach. Guests Macwatt and Kahluis from the Mount who were given a Mount waiata by Hash Brownon to take back home.

  • Bay of Islands 750th and Robbie Burns night at Cannibal and Magic’s 24th January. Haggis and all things Scottish with piper Blackbeard. Wellington also celebrated Robbie Burns night with Haggis and Long John Silver piping in the haggis from High Heels’s garage.

  • NZGM Birdtable and her manservant The Worm have been very busy since the gates opened at Auckland border. Visits to Mooloo, Maungawhai before Xmas followed by 3 nights in Wellington in the early new year, taking in Wellington, Geri’s and Ladies hashes. They made very entertaining guest RA’s at the Ladies annual IQ/Jaberwocky Peka Peka beach house run.

  • Tokoroa Xmas run on 22nd Dec at the Cossie Club

  • Auckland HHH AGM 13th December. Bush Banger the new GM. Dio Hasher of the year. Arkles Fines/Registrar, Wot Wife and Boring Joint Masters. Crossdresser - Scribe

  • Canterbury Combined Xmas doo (hosted by CH2H3) Saturday 18th December

  • Bays (Mount, Rotorua, Whakatane) Combined Xmas run Monday 6th December - TECT Park Whataroa Rd, Ngawaro. Around 100 hashers at a beautiful bush location. Lots of good food and drinks put on by the hosts Mount Hash.

  • A full agenda of Xmas runs in Wellington - Over 30 WHHH hashers enjoyed a train trip to Tawa with taxis home on Monday 13th, followed by similar numbers at Geri’s Xmas run, also a train trip but to the Hutt Valley. Then another good crowd at Azmud’s on the Wednesday for Ladies Xmas - foodbank donations instead of Xmas pressies. The week round off with a Combined run on the Saturday. Then Monday 20th the Capital Xmas run and also in town the WHHH Xmas craft beer bar run.

  • Another top Hasher passed on. Auntie from Wellington Ladies Hash, shortly after his 80th birthday and 1100th run. Affectionately viewed as the Godfather of Ladies Hash.

  • Auckland Hashers finally enjoying some real hash runs after 3 months off due to Covid. A Domain hash run on the 15th Nov hared by Shakespeare - 22 attendees including Birdtable. Plunder hosted Hussies on the 16th with staggered starts from Little Shoal Bay

  • Garden City AGM was on the 5th November - Joint Masters Lip Splitter and Dawnbreaker, Fines - Vassie, RA Klingon

  • Dunedin Xmas dinner was on 19th November

  • Christchurch Hussies Hat day during Show week on 12th November.

  • Sad news - Jubes of Rotorua Hash and former NZGM passed away recently. Very well known and loved in the NZ hashing community. Funeral live streamed. Fine eulogy from Shortplanx with him and Xerox among the pall-bearers. As well as Rotorua Hash many Hash visitors including Rewd, Gypsy, Likka, Ain’t no Saint, Metal, Petal, Wantie, Rigid, Gnash, Noodles, Fireman Jim, Gonzo, McWatt, Kahluis, Perky Humpy. Casket carried out to “Hey Jude”

  • Wellington Ladies AGM 3rd Nov. New Senior GM is LMB - Lil Miss Bumps. DT drops back to Junior GM. One Pint the new Dogsbody and Eclipse, Mistress and Fire heading the Ladies Advisory Group. Headcase and H2 stay on as RA’s. 36 Hashers at AGM.

  •  Birdtable link to NZGM newsletter

  • Mount AGPU Saturday was October 2nd. Incoming GM is Moogabee. Dragon Lady On sec and Pokin out - Hash Kash. No Hash Kash so runs now BYO

  • Christchurch/Garden City annual Duck run was on Sunday October 3rd. Another fun filled day.

  • Covid Delta has hit NZ and the Hash scene. Since 18th August NZ has been in Lockdown. So all Hashes meeting virtually, if at all. Many doing solo runs with Zoom meetups. September 8th has seen all areas outside Auckland move to level 2 which permits gatherings under 50 people inside. So most Hashes outside Auckland started up again. Auckland moved to Level 3 on September 22nd but still no actual hash runs.

  • Sad news - Loud (former Wellington Ladies, ex NZGM, Chair of NZ Nash Hash Wellington 1994) passed away peacefully at home with Wellspread on Saturday 21st August. Hasher friends invited to have a dram of whiskey at 6pm or whenever is his memory.

  • Aussie Nash Hash postponed from this November until 25-27 March 2022

  • Mooloo AGPU 6-8TH August

  • BOI AGPU on Saturday 24th July - Tight Bolt and Knose to share GM and RA

  • Nelson Winter Camp at Lake Roiti - weekend of 23-25 July

  • Southern Flyers had annual City walkabout and also hosted Birdtable and friends. Brewer took them on guided tour to Stadium and Bluff.

  • Capital AGM on Monday 5th July. Incoming JM’s are Corpus-L and RV.

  • Current Wellington Ayotollah He’ll Keep laid up with work incident leg injury. Immediate past Ayotollah Hash Brown was trapped in Queensland by Covid lockdown.

  • Geri’s AGM 29th June - Incoming GM - Oggy with RA’s Spiderman and Mop.

  • World Premiere of Slasher Horror movie featuring Hashers in Auckland Saturday 26th June. Auckland hashers among guests.

  • Dunedin 1500th over weekend of 19-20 June - see recent events

  • Long time Wellington Hasher Snowplough passed away suddenly mid June. Geri’s hosted commemorative run 23rd June

  • Auckland 50 year anniversary dinner Saturday 12th June - around 80 attended

  • New club in town - Waitomo / Otorohanga - see clubs

  • Boulder Holder (Mount HHH) 40th also on 12th June in


DT Deepthroat