Mount 1666 weekend 21-23 February - Whareweka School Camp Waihi.

The usual gradual arrival of the rabble on the Friday
afternoon – chilly bins full and sun shining.   Plenty of room for both campers and bed seekers.   The camp was venue of Nash Hash 2015.   Just on 50 attendees for the weekend.  

Visitors included Mee Mee – the only South Islander, DT, Handle, Geestring (Wellington), Comes once, Spurt, Madonner Gawd Knose, Demon (Auckland) and  Duph, Gonzo, Noodles, Metal, Petal and Xerox, from central North Island.  

A big dent put in the beer supplies that lovely fine evening, as well as practise for some on the beer can bowling alley.  Entries taken for the Saturday boat races. 

Some drinking far into the early morning with Madonner and Noodles making early claims on loudest Snorers of the weekend. 

A big programme for Saturday starting with a fine breakfast cooked up by Mogabe and Pokin in.  

A pre run warm up was the blind beer tasting run by 69er.  6 beers to taste with 18 choices available.  This became rather tricky as the beer flattened in the jugs. 

Run started at 10.30 with runners and walkers splits.  Not too onerous a trail, and finishing at a river swimming hole for circle and lunch.  Also, shelter,  as it turns out, as it pissed down soon after the run finished.  Circle led by GM Flossy and RA Humpy.  Hornie’s brother Force-it was recognized for his fledging Hash career of 11 runs. 

Back to the camp and into the boat races once the rain had eased.  The Mount ex-GM’s team triumphant with Crabtree and 69er the speedy anchors.  Noone noticed until too late that they were an all male team.  Although Bluevain  did drink like a girl.  The flying fox was started up but Gritty was the only brave one to try it out. 

Dinner and into the evening with the Hash band of Crabtree, Perky and Xerox warming up for Queenstown.  Harmony backup from Metal and Humpy.    Dragon Lady an early casualty, suffering from an ill-advised choice of wine in the boat races. 

Sunday morning and another fine breakfast supplied by the cooks.  Recovery run round the camp and circle led by Humpy.   Bluevain rounded out the circle by giving an update on NZ bid for Interhash.  Then the assembled hashers were pressed into service for a video to send to Tobago.  The required words for us to chant proved difficult to master – not so for version 2 of “Goa takes it up the arse”.   Lubes and Smegma unanimous winners of “Quiet bastards of the weekend”  

Well done Mount Hash -  a great weekend.  

DT Deepthroat